An enthusiastic boy from Taichung
Motto :
Pick yourself up from where you've fallen.
Find out more!!!
Hi! I'm Jui-jiun Lin!
I'm a freshman at National Taiwan University majoring in Atmospheric Science.
I like to deal with earth science data. It gives me a sense of achievement while the beautiful figures show up.
I love stargazing. However, what I see is usually thick clouds instead of stars.
I enjoy trying new things and facing challenges, which makes me stronger and better.
About Me
  • Department of Atmospheric Science, National Taiwan University (2019.09~)
  • Mingdao High School(2016.09~2019.06)
Professional skills
  • computer language
    • Python,Fortran95,GrADs ( for earth science data )
    • HTML5,CSS,Javascript ( I'm trying hard to learn them !!! )
  • Meteorology researching
  • English :
    • TOEIC test : 920/990 (Listening:495, Reading:425)
  • Mandarin : Native
  • Japanese : basic ( Learning !!!)
  • Stargazing
  • Play badminton
  • Ministry of Education high school student academic competencies contest.
    • Taichung regional semi-final Honorable mention
More to expect...
Activities + projects
Hosting an exhibition

A twenty-people team including me hosted an exhibition in my high school. The photo was taken when I was illustrating how solar eclipses happen.

Astronomy Club

I'm 45th vice president of Astronomy Club in my high school. I was teaching how to use the telescope then.

Badminton Team

Play badminton is one of my hobbies. I went on a winter training with the badminton team in our department.

Project : Web crawler

The project crawls data on PTT, which is helpful while choosing courses.

Take a look!!
Project : Discussion of how twilight occurs and a simple demonstration

The final report of The introduction of Atmospheric Sciences, done by the other two members and I. In the report, we discussed about Rayleigh and Mie scattering. We constructed a simple model of Rayleigh scattering using python, and did an experiment to demonstrate the effect of aerosols.

Take a look
More to expect...
Contact me !!!